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Friday, October 23, 2009

Wayne County Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Questions/Comments‏

1 am a resident of Fremont. The TMP map shows a future minor collector (60' ROW) to the north of SR-72. There is an existing secondary county road, i.e., 325 East, which appears to be the basis for this future minor collector. If true, then my comments apply to the existing county road, i.e., 325 East, and my questions apply to bringing 325 East up to the requirements of a future minor collector.

1. Comments: This future minor collector connects to SR-72 at both ends. The existing 325 East secondary county road connects to SR-72 at its west end but 325 East ends before it gets to the intersection with the Fremont River. From this point, there is currently a dirt road (with a make-shift bridge crossing the Fremont River) that connects to SR-72. On the map, I am referring to the east end of the future minor collector from a point just before the 90 degree curve to its connection with SR-72.

Questions: 1.a: What event(s) would trigger the extension of 325 East from its current end to an intersection with SR-72? 1.b: Who would be responsible for financing and constructing the extension of 325 East? 1.c: Would the extension be grand-fathered to the standards of the existing secondary county road or would the extension have to meet the requirements of a new secondary county road? 1.d: If private property fences currently exist along the existing dirt road that connects 325 East to SR-72, who would be responsible for reimbursing the property owners to move their fences, if required?

2. Comments: The existing 325 East secondary country road is nominally 12 feet wide (shoulder-to-shoulder) with almost negligible ROW easements on either side. Private property fences border 325 East along approximately 15% of its west end. The Fremont irrigation canal borders 325 East for about 1/4 mile along its north side. 325 East cuts through the properties of several landowners.

Questions: 2.a: What event(s) would trigger bringing 325 East up to meet current secondary county road requirements, specifically the 60' ROW requirement? 2.b: Would Wayne County purchase property from existing landowners to meet the 60' ROW requirement? 2.c: Would Wayne County reimburse property owners to remove and rebuild new fences and/or sprinkler systems?


Ronald Yasukawa

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